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The Goal Of Freedom & Health:

Freedom & Health is a 10 part conversation series that was released on Milwaukee’s 50th Juneteenth celebration. This year’s anniversary not only represented a milestone as one of the nation’s longest-standing celebrations of Juneteenth in America but was also one of Black Milwaukee’s first community events since the COVID-19 pandemic. Honoring the moment to reflect on history, and the resilience expressed within our community from a health perspective over the last year, these conversations offered an authentic dialogue around perspective, experience, and perceptions of the future of relationships between healthcare providers and the communities they serve.


One-on-one conversations.

Cobb, MPH, CSM

Click the image to watch the summary.

Addresses the progression of community health, the role of healthcare institutions, and the sustained resilience of communities of color.


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Discusses the need to recognize the humanity in patients and approaches to elevating health equity in the community.


Click the image to watch the summary.

Elevates the implications of establishing personal relationships between health care providers and community members on community health overall.


Click the image to watch the summary.

Shares the value of maintaining personal agency in the management of one’s health and identifies opportunities for effective collaboration between healthcare systems & community members.

Sinclair, MS, MPH

Click the image to watch the summary.

Examines the role of healthcare organizations in creating more impactful connections with the communities they serve.


Click the image to watch the summary.

Empowered as a visually impaired man, Mike reflects on how to effectively address adversity in the healthcare system and stresses the importance of creating a support group to communicate your health needs.

Wilson, PhD

Click the image to watch the summary.

Stresses the urgency in communities of color continuing to be self-advocates in their healthcare


Click the image to watch the summary.

Assesses the community’s role in being active in their own healthcare while simultaneously navigating a health environment where inequities exist.


Video Summary & Podcast.

Echoing the need for communities of color to become active advocates for their health and use their communal voice to communicate their health needs.

Yante &

Video Summary & Podcast.

Yante & Khari reflect on mental barriers to accessing care healthcare in marginalized communities and the influence of representation in the healthcare system on health outcomes in communities of color.

Join the conversation and help spread awareness about ways individuals can be a part of shaping the future of health care by sharing one of the video summaries on your social media.

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